The World Health Organization has defined oligospermia (low sperm concentration) as less than 15 million sperm per ml. Dr Tsuruta explained, "Unlike humans, rats remain fertile even with extremely low sperm counts. However, our non-invasive ultrasound treatment reduced sperm reserves in rats far below levels normally seen in fertile men (95% of fertile men have more than 39 million sperm in their ejaculate). However further studies are required to determine how long the contraceptive effect lasts and if it is safe to use multiple times."
This is a place where men of the Southern Fleurieu can come for information, make comments and interact with others. Please feel free to come in look around.To make a comment. Click on the 'orange' comment button at the end of the post. Write your post in the box provided. A drop down box will appear saying comment as..'select profile'. Click anonymous.Click 'post comment' Your post should soon appear.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Ultrasound your testes for birth control?
The World Health Organization has defined oligospermia (low sperm concentration) as less than 15 million sperm per ml. Dr Tsuruta explained, "Unlike humans, rats remain fertile even with extremely low sperm counts. However, our non-invasive ultrasound treatment reduced sperm reserves in rats far below levels normally seen in fertile men (95% of fertile men have more than 39 million sperm in their ejaculate). However further studies are required to determine how long the contraceptive effect lasts and if it is safe to use multiple times."
Men's Get Together
Had a great get together last Friday. Nine men chatting over a BBQ. Talk of life and all its different paths.What a great mob of blokes. Each and everyone with a different story.
Hope to see more at the next one.
When: Friday February 10
Where: Underneath the Gospel Centre - George Main Rd
Time: 6pm - 8pm BBQ provided
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Good news: Sex with a heart condition is OKAY
They caution that women should be counseled on use of contraceptive methods and possible adverse effects of pregnancy, while men should be wary of certain erectile dysfunction medications that are unsafe for all cardiovascular diseases.
The statement was published online 19th Jan. 2012 in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association , and contains advice from experts in a variety of fields including : heart disease, exercise physiology and sexual counseling.Glenn N. Levine, M.D., lead author of the statement and a professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas said :
Sexual activity is a major quality of life issue for men and women with cardiovascular disease and their partners ... Unfortunately, discussions about sexual activity rarely take place in the clinical context."
It's important to address the issue because decreased sexual function in both men and women often accompanies heart diseases and can lead to anxiety and depression. The reality is that sexual activities don't generally put the heart under enough strain for long enough to be a problem to heart patients. Thus, the total rate of cardiovascular events caused by sexual activity is very low.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sex and Ageing - Some research
The study asked just over 800 women aged 40 to 99 to respond to surveys about their recent sexual activity, overall sexual satisfaction, and sexual desire. The women were not representative of the general population, they all came from suburb of San Diego and have been involved in a longitudinal research project called the Rancho Bernardo Study which began in 1972. So the findings shouldn't be thought of as highly generalizable, but instead as an interesting snapshot of one group of women in one place at one time.
The women were asked if they had engaged in sexual activity in the past four weeks. In this study sexual activity was described as including caressing, foreplay, masturbation, and penile-vaginal intercourse. In analyzing the data the researchers divided the women into four age groups, each with about 200 women in them. Here are some of the basic findings of the study:
50% of the women reported having had sex in the previous 4 weeks and 80% of those women were living with a partner/spouse.
40% of all respondents said that they never or almost never felt sexual desire, and 30% of women who were having sex said they felt low, very low, or no sexual desire.
64% of all respondents said they were moderately or very satisfied with their sexual relationship.
64% of women who had sex in the past 4 weeks reported being aroused most times, almost always, or always.
67% said they achieved orgasm most times, almost always, or always; women in the youngest and oldest groups reported the highest orgasm satisfaction.
These findings highlight how slippery statistics are. GO HERE to read more
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Learn to SURF!!!
We are offering a FREE Learn to Surf program for men that have wanted to learn in the past but have never got around to it. This is a program for disadvantaged men ( you provide the definition).
Cafe Crozier
Another great place I just found out about is Cafe Crozier. This is a place to come for a FREE COMMUNITY MEAL. Anybody is welcome. Maybe you just want to have someone to eat with, maybe its a bit hard to scrape together a good meal occaisionally. Whatever the reason get down to Cafe Crozier at the Salvation Army Dining Room ( CNR Crozier Rd and Torrens Street) on every alternate Sunday. The next free meal is on January 22nd. Go on and give it a go.
Create and Connect
I just went in to this fabulous service in Goolwa for the first time on Tuesday. If you haven't been here it's worth a look. Create and Connect is an Art and wellbeing program whose aim is to support people to connect to the community through art.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Lessons From My Left Testicle
This is a really good book about Ben Peacocks experience of testicular cancer. This book ism open , honesty and funny. Here is how it starts:
Men's health on local Radio
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Men, Gender, what does it mean?
Talking about your tackle
If you are having problems with your tackle, the longer you say nothing, the greater the chances are there’ll be nothing your doctor can do about it.
Whatever you may call it, all those bits below the belt are important for your overall health and quality of life, and with early detection and treatment you can often avoid more serious long-term health problems
So talk to your doctor, talk to your mates, and visit Andrology Australia for free quality information and resources on male reproductive health problems and associated conditions, to help men make better health decisions.
The prostate game
Click here to play a game outlining the differences in Men's ability to wee into a urinal. The setting is the loo at a cricket game. Quite funny.
Book for Men
I have just been reading the book ' Matters for Men - How to stay healthy and keep life on track' by John Ashfield and published in good old South Oz. This is an easy to read book and covers topics such as:
- Physical health
- Mental health
- Relationships
- Fatherhood
- Men's Issues
- Useful websites.