- DVD: Out of Sync - A dvd which explains issues that many couples have regarding mismatched libido.
- Taking Care of Yourself and your family: A resource book for good mental health
- The Talk:
The Talk DVD talks about sex and relationships in a frank, informed and non-threatening way.
Hosted by Nelly Thomas, the DVD features a mixture of humorous and entertaining sketches, songs, celebrity interviews and comedy, as well as interviews with health and other experts from relevant fields.
Of course The Talk covers off on the physical aspects of sex: the nuts and bolts of anatomy and sexual health; but importantly, it also addresses the emotional aspects of sex: The Talk recognises that sometimes the hardest part about sex is not about the physical but the mental, and talks about establishing and maintaining respectful relationships.
The Talk has been created and written by Nelly Thomas and produced in consultation with the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and the Centre Against Sexual Assault at the Royal Women’s Hospital.
If you would like to borrow any of these drop me an email and we can organise it.