So often men gather and all you see are cars!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sexuality in aged care facilitites

Have a look a this fantastic policy by this progressive aged care facility.

Sexual Expression Policy at the Home

The Hebrew Home at Riverdale is the first facility of its kind to develop a policy to recognize and protect the sexual rights of nursing home residents, while distinguishing between intimacy and sexually inappropriate relations.

Nearly a decade ago, in our mission to support residents’ quality of life needs and wishes, the Home began to address the following issues:
  • What should staff do when residents want to engage in sex?
  • How should staff respond when sexual advances are made between one or both residents suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia?
  • How should staff determine matters of consent in residents with confusion or lost language skills?
  • When is intervention necessary in the ongoing care of residents who are in intimate relationships?

A grant from the New York State Department of Health assisted the Home in creating a comprehensive staff training video/DVD called “Freedom of Sexual Expression: Dementia and Resident Rights in Long Term Care Facilities.”  The Home’s policy and video provide the educational foundation and standard of practice for residential health care facilities across the state and the nation.

We encourage our residents to express their sexuality in a responsible, ethical and moral fashion, while acknowledging the need for our staff to be trained in taking appropriate measures in cases in which a cognitively impaired person might be involved or the rights of one or more residents compromised,” said Daniel Reingold, President and CEO of the Hebrew Home.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Last dads and Kids movie night

Friday 30 Movember,

Cost: $5.00 per family - includes hotdogs and popcorn
Movie: The Lorax

Soft Drinks $1.00/fruitbox .50c/water free

Bring a deck chair, rug or comfy seat.

Be part of a movember fundraising

RSVP required on 8555 2509

Come paint the REAL superman

Mike Tye  a local community artist is doing a series of paintings about men's health using superman as the subject matter. Mike would like help from men  to make this a true community arts effort. You dont have to be a painter or artist to join in. Mike will give you all the direction you need.

Come down to the Gospel Centre (down the bottom around the back) to join in.

Give Lud Allen a call on 8552 9214 to find out times.

Do your OWN health check

Okay so I have been sprouting about making sure you are healthy etcetc. Well....... If you click HERE you will go to a do it yourself health check. IT will let you know if you should visit a GP or not. .... Believe it or not.... I had to go to my GP after working on this little sucker - put my back out.

Men's Jam Session

Are you (or do you know someone) who is isolated? Someone who might want to join in a jam session. Playing music with others. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED.

The Southern Fleurieu Health Service workers Robyn George and Lud Allen are getting a group together. We have electric guitars. organ, drums and more more more. So... if you wanna make noise (and turn it into music) we would love to hear from you.

Contact Robyn George on 8552 0600 to register your interest.

men's health: more than just prostate

I have been watching some advertisements on television lately that encourage men to  'man up' and go to their GP for a prostate checkup.They talk about men's health but ONLY mention prostate cancer. Don't get me wrong. Prostate cancer is the biggest cancer killer of men in Oz but.......there are other pressing issues for us men.
Number 1: Men tend not to go to their GP at all until they are really ill - well wouldn't it be better to go early and PREVENT illness?
Number 2: We often drink, smoke, party, and eat crap food-  go to your gp and ask about your lifestyle, ask for a check up. No need to worry. Just go and do it.
Number 3: We have relationship issues - So does everyone. Talk about it. Tell someone how it makes you feel. Go see a counsellor. The dont bite.
Number 4: Okay so you had a problem getting an erection. This happens to LOTS OF US. Tell your GP. It could just be that you were tired or just not interested. But it could be a sign that there is an underlying problem. Prevention is better than cure.


I could mention more but you get the idea.

White Ribbon Day Breakfast

Friday the 23rd saw the first of our White Ribbon Day breakfasts. White Ribbon Day is when all people (men in particular) stand up and say VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS UNACCEPTABLE.

This breakfast was attended by 30 people from all strata of the Southern Fleurieu society. In attendance were young men from Victor Harbor High School, members of local government, workers from local services and local business, as well as interested private citizens.
It is heartening to see this type of turnout; to see so many people willing to stand up and say enough is enough. However.....just look at the figures below to see what is happening to our mothers, daughters,wives, partners and friends.

In Australia 1 woman is murdered every WEEK by her current or former partner.

 Close to half of all women have
experienced violence since the age of 15;
 Just under one third of women  have
experienced physical assault;
 Nearly one in five women  have
experienced sexual assault;
 Nearly one in six women have
experienced violence by a current or
previous partner in their lifetime;
 Since the age of 15, one third of women
 have experienced inappropriate
comments about their body or sex life, one
quarter  have experienced unwanted
sexual touching, and one in five  have
been stalked (ABS 2006).



Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Womans experience using viagra

Really funny and interesting article about a woman who tried viagra. Taken from the New York Times.

I have noticed, in the bragging-rights department, that “he doesn’t need Viagra” has become the female equivalent of the male “and, I swear, she’s a real blonde.” Personally, I do not care a bit. To me, anything that keeps you happy and in the game is a good thing. 

 But then, I am proud to say, I was among the early, and from what I gather, rare female users.
It happened when the drug was introduced around 1998. I was 50, but after chemotherapy for breast cancer — and later, advanced ovarian cancer — I was, hormonally speaking, pretty much running on fumes. Whether this had diminished my sex drive I did not yet know. One may have Zorba-esque impulses when a cancer diagnosis first comes in; but a treatment that leaves you bald, moon-faced and exhausted knocks that out of your system pretty fast.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hey all,

White Ribbon Day is coming up. This is a day when men stand up and say that violence against women is NOT OKAY in our community.

I know that most men are do not commit violence against women. In fact it is only a small percentage of men that do...but....sometimes we just let it go when others commit this violence. No more

Some statistics;
80% of women in Australia have been coerced into sex they did not want

1 in 5 women in Australia will be a victim of violence before the age of 15

One in three Australian women have experienced physical violence at some stage in her life since the age of 15
Intimate partner homicides account for about 1 in 5 homicides nationally

Come along to the White Ribbon Breakfast to be held at the Anchorage Hotel on Friday November 23rd to support the elimination of violence against women in Australia.