So often men gather and all you see are cars!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Men and Depression

In the past week I have spoken to three men that are friends of mine, but friends I haven't seen for about 12 months. Each one of these men in the course of our conversation told me that they have been suffering from depression to a greater or lesser extent for several years. The amazing thing is that these men are so different from each other. Their ages are different ( 20, 41 and 58). Their incomes are different, their relationship status is different. Their whole life experience is different. yet they each have (or have had) depression. The WONDERFUL thing about each of these men is that they have EACH gone to a GP for support and their GP's have referred them to specialists. One is on medication for depression the other two are not. Two of them are working full time, one is not. The point is : They TOLD me about this, they did not hide it. They were not shamed, they were PROUD that they did something for themselves - and I am PROUD of them for doing so. Each of these men is doing well, each is currently happy with the place they are at in their life. So..... if you are feeling a bit down....go see your GP.

Below is a video from the organisation 'softenthefckup' which talks about men and suicide. It is a short montage of men telling their story. But be warned they say the F word a lot. So if that word offends you - you might not want to watch the video. If it does not offend you then here goes......

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